Welcome to the 6th Episode of Weekly Dev Journal. Here you will get some useful resource links, articles, and my learnings in the programming world.
Change in requirements:
The previous week was a little hectic & also productive at the end of the week. There were some changes in the requirements of the website that I had to complete. There were some moments when I don't want to code but I have to because of the deadline of the tasks.
Resolve CSS Issues:
There were some CSS issues that I resolved this week. The lesson page was not responsive so I worked on the responsiveness of the website. Previously I added all lessons in the sidebar so that the user can read any lesson by clicking on it. But the sidebar disappears on mobile. So I added all lessons in the mobile sidebar so that the user visiting the website on the mobile can read the lesson of his choice.
Search Feature:
I also implemented the search feature. The user can type the topic name and I have to show relevant results based on the user's typed query. This feature is not fully completed yet but I have done all the necessary tasks. Now final part is showing the result on the page which I will complete soon.
Previously, I added the newsletter component at the footer. I worked on that part this week. What I did was when the user types his email in the input and clicks on SUBSCRIBE Button, a popup will be shown to the user with a success message and that email will be saved on the database for sending the email to that user.
Previous & Next Article Button:
The main feature that I completed yesterday was the previous and next article buttons. So when the user read a particular lesson then he/she will see a next and previous article button at the end of the lesson. He can go to the previous or next lesson by clicking on the relevant buttons. For this, I have to fetch the next and previous articles based on the current article. I searched for some time to find this solution. After some trial and error, It was implemented :-)
Previously I said in the previous episode that I will deploy the website next week, but there were changes in requirements that have to be implemented in the final deployed version. So the website is still in the development phase. I will soon deploy it after the completion of important features and some testing.
These are some articles that I have read and you should read:
A senior character artist made a realistic & highly detailed 3D Alien character. This is a great piece of motivation for those who are into 3D modeling & Game Development field.
Tips to Become a better front-end developer. There are many tips in it. Read it and follow the tips to become a better one.
I have written this newsletter in a more structured way so that you can understand each things that I have written.
Hope you like this episode. Make sure to share it with your programming friends. You can also give your valuable feedback by commenting below.
See you in the Next Episode :-)