Weekly Dev Journal - Episode # 11

Weekly Dev Journal - Episode # 11


3 min read

Hello and welcome to the 11th episode of WEEKLY DEV JOURNAL ๐ŸŽ‰

I hope you had a great week of learning and achieving your goals.

Let's get started with this episode.


Buildspace Game

I am working on a game, and now, for some reasons I am facing some issues getting on track and building the game.

Previously, I setup the main office area of the player and setup the space station where the rocket will launch to the space.

Its almost the end of buildspace season 5. Almost 1 week left and I am facing difficulty because I need to ready the demo version of my game till end of buildspace to showcase it to their website.

To make final version of it, I need to pick one idea and I currently had a ton of ideas that can be implemented and my current skillset is kind of insufficient to implement that ideas.

Hashnode AI Hackathon

I am working on a project for hashnode hackathon.

The main idea was to build a study scheduling tool for myself that I can use to manage my studies. This tool can be used by others to manage their studies with other things.

I started with the first step, which was to brainstorm the complete idea and make a design of the tool.

I also documented the progress of it in my blog post: Click to Read

Psycho Coder Lab

I started a new blog on Substack. The main of this blog was to write posts while working on my project. This is kind of projects that I will build in public but in blog post format. Here, I write posts while working on my projects.

You can check my blog and subscribe ;) Click Here to Open Blog

Weekly Project Challenge

I was reading my previous posts of this blog. And I read this section that I added in one of my previous post.

Previously, I tracked my weekly progress based on total hours I spent on coding. However, its not always the good metric to measure performance.

I also realized that I am not making progress as I was making previously (specifically in 2nd sem). Because, previously I was testing a lot with different type of projects and was making weekly projects.

Till now, number of projects has been decreased, I need to improve it.

For that, I got 2 ideas.

One idea is, I am picking up a challenge of building at least 1 project per week. The duration will depend on the type of project. If a project require more than one week, I will give that time to it. And I will document all of my projects on my Twitter, This Blog, Psycho Coder Lab blog or my YouTube channel. The main idea is build the project and share it to the public.

Log Fusion

I haven't dedicated enough time that I need to invest on this project or any time.

I had many plans for this project, many ideas that I brainstormed but my laziness comes in front of it.

Weekly Picks

Here's list of some weekly picks for you:

Psycho Ponderings

  • You have to pick something big to work on, because it's hard to commit your life to something small.

  • Sometimes you might be on the right path, but because you're walking it alone, you doubt if it's the right one.

That's it for this episode.

I hope you enjoyed it.

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See you in the next one ;-)

