Weekly Dev Journal - Episode # 15

Weekly Dev Journal - Episode # 15


3 min read

Hello and welcome to the 15th episode of WEEKLY DEV JOURNAL ๐ŸŽ‰

I hope you had a great week of learning and achieving your goals.

Let's get started with this episode.



I started my software agency this month named PsychoDevs.

I think this is the thing that was stuck in my mind for a very long time now.

Anyways, I still have a LOTT to talk about on this topic and I am writing a dedicated post on it, will update the link here once published.

For now, you can open the website and social accounts to checkout what we have to offer.

Website: https://psychodevs.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/psychothedevs/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/psychodevs


I was working on a project for WklyShip. WklyShip is my challenge that I am doing where each week, I made one project and launch it.

This week, I was working on a project named Salaah. Its an app where user can daily track prayers. It also have some other features to track and reminder about religion activities.

Currently, This project isn't completed and I know that I am late because this project was supposed to be finished 2 days ago on Sunday.

But I don't launch projects half polished or with half features implemented. Maybe I will complete this project and launch or pick other project and pause this project for next week.

Personal website

I updated and added new page to my personal website. Its WklyShip page where I will add details about this challenge and projects list that I made for this challenge. By this, I will have a curated list of projects that I built for this challenge.

This will also helpful for someone interested in looking projects that I made for this challenge.

GitHub 150 repos

While I was writing this, I opened github and saw I now have 150 repos. although, its not a big thing, just very long list of projects that I tried and still trying.

Weekly Picks

Here's list of some weekly picks for you:

Psycho Ponderings

  • Start before you feel ready.

  • What's meant for you will sometimes feel scary, risky & new.

  • Someone's DREAM is someone's TOY.

  • When you stop looking for it, you will find it.

  • Success is not a finite entity, its something that you build on top of.

  • You aren't afraid of failure, you're afraid of what people will think of you if you fail.

  • The pieces donโ€™t always fit the first time. The beauty lies in the process of iterating, learning, and finding that perfect fit.

  • The best results happen long after you get bored of doing it.

That's it for this episode.

I hope you enjoyed it.

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See you in the next one ;-)

- Psycho
