As a programmer aspirant, I always wanted to compete in programming competitions. I thought of competing in university competitions. Luckily I got the opportunity in my 1st semester :-)
LUMS is arranging a programming competition called CodinGuru 5.0. They have different modules like Programming Contest, Web/App, and UI/UX competition. At first, I thought of taking part in Programming Contest but then I thought I should have a partner and then I should try to compete. I have no friends in class who has skills in web development as they are learning programming currently. So I talk to a senior and I made up a team with one of a senior. I will be the Team Lead :-)
We participated in a web dev competition under the team name "PROWEB TEAM". I will handle the Backend part while he will see the frontend part. Tomorrow will be the competition and will go on for 2 days. I am figuring out a way of getting to LUMS on time :-)
That's for the update.
See you at the next one where I will share my experience of competition IN SHA ALLAH.
Happy Coding!