Weekly Dev Journal - Episode # 00

Weekly Dev Journal - Episode # 00


Welcome to my brand-new series. This series is all about my thoughts on my learnings throughout the week. I will write every Sunday to talk about things that I have done the previous week. I will also write about the things that I will try to do in next week. At the start of the new year, I decided to work on this series but I was not able to write the previous week because of some issue.

Anyways, The posts in this series will be divided into some sections.


This section is all about my learnings. What I have learned in that week. Specific details about my learnings on a topic will be in this section. I will try to explain as much as I can about the topic so that you can get all details.


In this section, I will talk about the project that I have worked on in the past week. I will give you a short detail of the project description, How I made that project etc.


This section will contain some articles that I have read in the previous week and found helpful. I read articles rarely but by doing this practice, I will end up making a list of articles for you to read & it will also help me improve my knowledge so it's a win-win situation for all of us :-)


I have a habit of watching podcasts (not every day). In this section, I will talk about the podcast that I have listened to, and what I have learned from listening to podcasts.

Photos of the week:

I will rarely add this section but still. This section will contain some photos that I found worth sharing with you.

These are some of the prompts that I will write about in the future. I will also add new sections in the future. Do comment if you have any topic ideas that you want me to add in the series.

Share it with your friends so that they can also read it. If you have any questions, comment down.

See you the next week with episode 1 :-)