Weekly Dev Journal - Episode # 03

Weekly Dev Journal - Episode # 03


Welcome to the 3rd Episode of Weekly Dev Journal. Here you will get some useful resource links, articles, and my learnings.


In the previous week, I worked so hard on my projects. First I worked on 1st startup of my 12 startups in 12 months challenge. Second I worked on a coding website project. I am currently learning Next JS & applying that knowledge to coding website project. This is new for me as previously I first learned the technology and then implement it. But this time, I am learning and building the project at the same time.

I also had experience with using Trello. It is a project management tool where we manage the project by adding different tasks that will be done in the future or tasks that are currently working on. You can add tasks and mark them as to do, doing or done. Very useful for working on a serious project.

As I said before, I am working on a coding website project. I will not reveal the full idea of the project now but this is my first time working on a serious project that will be deployed for actual users to use. I am a bit nervous to work on it but I will make it work In Sha ALLAH. I am trying hard to learn as much as I can & apply it to the tasks of this project.


These are some articles that I have read and suggest you to read:

  1. Here is a list of some AI assistants to improve your productivity.


  2. Some tips are useful if you are learning to code as a beginner.


Useful Resources:

Here is a list of resources that can be helpful for you so take a look at them.

  1. These are some tools that will help create your startup.


  2. If you want to practice your CSS skills then this website is for you. The website has many CSS challenges to work on.


Hope you like this episode. Make sure to give a reaction and share it with your programming friends. You can also give your valuable feedback by commenting below.

See you in the Next Episode :-)