Welcome to the 8th Episode of Weekly Dev Journal. Here you will get some useful resource links, articles, and my learnings in the programming world.
The previous week was just me finishing the INTERNSHIP project that I was working on for the past month. I almost completed the website. Now just giving the finishing touch to the website.
1 - Mobile Navbar:
The first thing that I did was fix the mobile navbar. This was the main part of the website and had many bugs previously. So I worked on it the previous week. I faced many CSS issues that I resolved after searching and getting help.
2 - Homepage Changes:
The next thing that I did was add some more content to the homepage. One section was the universities logo section where I placed logos of different universities.
3 - Admin Panel:
The next thing that I did was add ADMIN PANEL. I am still working on it. I added a complete admin panel where the admin can post lessons on different sections, add quizzes to the sections, can add or update the sections or lessons. Basically, All CRUD functionality on lessons, sections & quizzes. Previously, This was not on my to-do list till the first deployment but I had to complete it for the final deployment.
These are some articles that I have read and you can read too:
Read about the benefits of working on open source projects:
A great website to get inspiration for the landing page of your next product:
Hope you like this episode. Make sure to share it with your programming friends. You can also give your valuable feedback by commenting below.
Now maybe I will not have interesting updates to write for next two weeks as My 1st-semester finals are happening and I have only one week to prepare for them. So see what happens.
See you in the Next Episode :-)
Hussnain Ahmad aka Psycho Coder