Weekly Dev Journal - Episode # 08

Weekly Dev Journal - Episode # 08


4 min read

Hello and welcome to the 8th episode of WEEKLY DEV JOURNAL ๐ŸŽ‰

I hope you had a great week of learning and achieving your goals.

Let's get started with this episode.


Content Creation:

I am re-starting content creation on YouTube & Instagram.

Previously, I posted on these platforms occasionally but now, I will try to be more consistent & try to upload at-least one video per week.

For Instagram, I am still deciding what I can post about. You can give your ideas in comments below ๐Ÿ‘‡

Subscribe on YouTube: Click Here
Follow on Instagram: Click Here

MLSA Beta:

Last week, I conducted a session on web development called "Web Dev Basics 101."

You can find more information about the session here: Show Details

After this session, I reached the Beta Milestone of MLSA.

Now left with the major milestone ๐Ÿ˜

MLSA Lead:

Yesterday, I became LEAD of MLSA Community at my UET campus.

I have many plans for sessions and initiatives that I will do within my period.

You can join the community on WhatsApp: Click Here

My website:

I haven't update my website for a while now.

I opened a website few days ago (Don't remember the link now) and I really liked the idea of why that website is made.

It was website of a professor where he write blogs, share about his projects and other stuff.

After visiting the website, I thought I should try make my own website like this.

I had a website where I showcase my web development projects for clients and work.

But I have many other projects outside of web dev field, some game projects, some python stuff, some other projects.

I also have this blog where I wrote up articles and this "Weekly Dev Journal" series that you are currently reading.

So, there should be a separate website where I showcased all of my work, my blogs, my all projects and other stuff.

Maybe I will connect this blog with that website so all of my work and writings will be in one central place.

Delay in Project:

I am working on a project for a while now. First, I thought I will launch the project before end of my 4th semester, but some technical issues occurred & I wasn't able to launch it back then.

Then, I try to launch it previous days & faced more delay (10-15 days) due to some policies.

Anyways, I hope the project will be launched this month so you can try and give me feedback on it.

Will share the details once launched ๐Ÿš€


I just completed my 4th semester in BSCS. Now, I have summer holidays and I want to learn some new things and want to work and complete my projects that I wasn't able to complete due to some technical faults in me ๐Ÿ˜€

I made-up a list of some of things I want to do:

  • 3D Modelling

  • Launch 5 Projects

  • Content Creation (covered earlier in this article)

  • Electronics & Robotics Projects

  • and list goes on

I have a long list of things and of-course all things cannot be completed at once.

So, I need to cut off some things that are not adding impact to my goal and skillset.


Here's list of some articles you can read:


Currently I am reading No Rules Rules by Reed Hastings (Founder Of Netflix) & Erin Meyer.

That's it for this episode.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Feel free to share it with your friends.

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See you in the next one ;-)

