My first semester ended and I am currently giving my finals. Only 1 paper left and after that, there will be a project evaluation and then move on to the NEXT SEMESTER.
It was a great semester with many ups & downs and learnings curves.
Here is The BOYS of Naughty UET Group :-p
Anyways, I want to take some pause here to think about the learnings that I have done in my first semester.
The learnings are not just limited to CODING but also other aspects of life. So let's talk about them.
I made a YouTube video before the start of the semester where I gave myself some GOALS to accomplish by the end of the semester.
I will talk about the GOALS that I have accomplished and the GOALS where I procrastinate.
The first great achievement for me was getting a FULL STACK DEVELOPER Internship. It was a great learning curve for me & I was able to complete a project using NEXT.JS which I am still in the process of learning. The development side of the project is completed and deployment is remaining. After that, I will have complete experience in making a production-level website from scratch and deploying it to the server with custom hosting. I will talk more about it in my future article where I will write complete details of every feature that I have built into this project.
C++ Language:
Previously I haven't tried C++ language & I gave myself the challenge to learn it enough to make some of the projects. I also wanted to learn C++ because It is widely used in Competitive Programming Competitions becuase of its speed.
Luckily, C++ was the language that my UNIVERSITY thought the students & it gave me some time to experiment with this language. One more goal was to study Data Structures & Algorithms (DSA) and I gave myself Linklist, Stack, Queue & Tree DSA topics to learn. Now I have not given them separate time to code the concepts but I got enough theory to get started using them in code so this goal is almost completed.
Learning Next JS:
Another goal that I gave myself was to learn NEXT JS. I was telling myself to learn NEXT JS but was not getting enough time to start learning it. So I gave myself the GOAL to learn it. When I got the INTERNSHIP, the preferred stack for the project that I have to make in INTERNSHIP include NEXT JS & I previously had some practice in working with REACT JS so I actually started learning it for the sake of INTERNSHIP. This time, instead of watching tutorials step-by-step, I did was start the project & learn NEXT JS alongside building the project. This gave me another experience which is LEARN BY DOING.
Completing my first Game:
Now I procrastinate a lot on this GOAL. The GOAL was to make a GAME that is good enough to be published on GOOGLE PLAY STORE. I also brainstormed some ideas for the game & also work on the script part of one idea. But then I procrastinated a lot & tell myself that I will do it later & TIME passes.
Working on my Product:
Now I don't work on the coding part of this GOAL & again procrastinated in it. However, I gained knowledge about this GOAL. And I am trying to complete this GOAL as soon as possible.
Codathon Competition:
There was a coding competition that was held at our university & I participated along with the boys. First round was individual round where we have to solve the given problems on paper. Second round was group round where we have to write code for given problems. There were 5 problems and our team solved 3 problems completely and was working on 4th one but time ends :-) That was also a good experience.
This was the photo after successfully solving 3 problems & printing numbers from 1 to 100 without using loops :-)
So overall, I think I have accomplished roughly 80-85% of my goals. The only thing where I show procrastination was my own game and other projects & I will try to improve on that part next time.
That's it for the post.
I am planning the GOALS for 2nd semester and will make a post soon after writing all of them.
Hope you like the article. Share it with your friends. Comment down your thoughts.
See you in the next one :-)
Hussnain Ahmad aka Psycho Coder